What to Expect
We do not have a receptionist; therefore, when you arrive at your appointment, go ahead and have a seat, and Dr. Moore will be with you when she is done with her current patient. If you are dropping by to ask a question or do a walk-in appointment, go ahead and have a seat, and Dr. Moore will be with you as soon as she can.
First Appointment?
Please fill out your intake paperwork fully before coming to your visit so that Dr. Moore has time to review before you come. This will allow for a faster and smoother appointment.
Your first visit you will have an exam with Dr. Moore, she will go over the intake paperwork with you and discuss the reason for your visit. Following the exam there will be a time for questions and concerns and Dr. Moore will explain what her plan is for you. If time allows and you are a candidate for treatment that day then you will receive your first adjustment.